Smile at fear

fredag 16 februari 2024 (18:30 -20:30)
lördag 17 februari 2024 (09:30 -18:30)
söndag 18 februari 2024 (09:30 -18:00)
Stockholm Shambhala Meditation Group
TEACHER_FEMALE : Sarah Coleman
CONTACT : Stefan Wrenfelt
Full price : skr1500
Members in Finland, Denmark and Norway : skr750
Retired, unemployed, and members : skr1100
Registration fee : skr300
Through meditation we can slowly learn how to face our fear, feel it, and not run away from it. Eventually we could learn to relax with our fear, recognize it as part of the dance of life and a doorway into wisdom.

Teachings for dark times
With Sarah Coleman
16 -18 february


This weekend we will meditate together and explore Trungpa Rinpoche's teachings on working with fear. First we have to start where we are: find our fear, acknowledge it, touch it. Rouse inquisitiveness to find out for ourselves what is it and what's the problem. Through meditation we can slowly learn how to face our fear, feel it, and not run away from it – at least not so fast! Eventually we could learn to relax with our fear, recognize it as part of the dance of life, and a doorway into wisdom. The teachings will be drawn from both the buddhist and Shambhala traditions.

The program is for students at all levels of practice, and will consist of dharma talks, discussion groups, and lots of meditation, including individual meetings with meditation instructors. Beginners are welcome!


Sarah Coleman, an American practitioner of both Tibetan and Shambhala Buddhism, has been a student of the Vidyadhara the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, since 1972.  Serving as Trungpa Rinpoche's editor for many years, she helped work on many of his publications, including both Shambhala and Buddhist teachings. Since1996, Sarah has been living in Europe as a professional dharma bum, and teaching dharma extensively throughout Europe and the east bloc countries.

Location: Studio Kärleken, Skärmarbrinksvägen 6. Subway station/T-bana Skärmarbrink, Blåsut and Globen.
1500 skr (1100 members, stud, unemployed, retired) Half price for participants from the Denmark, Finland and Norway. 

Welcome to Sweden if you come from abroad
Check SAS, Norwegian and other airlines to Arlanda, the main airport,,
Please get in contact if you need help with lodging or other questions

Questions and info: [email protected]

Plats: Studio Kärleken på Skärmarbrinksvägen 6. Gångavstånd från T-bana Skärmarbrink, Blåsut och Globen.

Pris: 1500 kr (1100 medlemmar, stud, pensionärer, arbetslösa) anmälningsavgift 300 kr betalas till pg 1342970-9. Glöm inte att skriva vem anmälan kommer ifrån. Halva priset för deltagare från Danmark, Norge och Finland. 500 kr för studerande under 30 år.

Frågor: [email protected]

Anmälan här på hemsidan. Klicka på registration och fyll i uppgifterna


In Smile at Fear, Chögyam Trungpa offers us a vision of moving beyond fear to discover the innate bravery, trust, and delight in life that lies at the core of our being. Drawing on the Shambhala Buddhist teachings, he explains how we can each become a spiritual warrior--a person who faces each moment of life with openness and fearlessness.