Golden Key

fredag 4 april 2025 (16:00 -20:00)
lördag 5 april 2025 (09:30 -18:00)
söndag 6 april 2025 (09:30 -18:00)
Väringgatan 25, S:t Eriksplan, Stockholm
TEACHER_MALE : Otto Pichlhoefer
COORDINATOR_FEMALE : Frida Roa Weidenhaijn
Registration fee : skr400
This program will be based on Shambhala texts that works with our relationship to the “material world” and our sense perceptions.

This program will be based on Shambhala texts that works with our relationship to the “material world” and our sense perceptions. It teaches the practice of enriching presence – the ability to instantly sense the inner wealth within oneself, phenomena, and the natural world.

NOTE. Prerequisites are all previous programs in the Sacred Path series, you also have to be a member.

About the teacher:
Otto Pichlhöfer is a family physician based in Vienna, Austria. He had the privilege of studying directly under Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. After Rinpoche's passing, he continued his studies with various teachers from the Kagyü and Nyingma lineages. His primary spiritual connection has always been with the Buddhist and Shambhala teachings of CTR, to which he consistently returned. As a householder yogi, the Shambhala path has become his primary form of meditation in action. He has two daughters who are also practitioners.

Members: SEK 1900 (half the price for you who repeat the program or come from a neighbouring country; Norway, Finland or Denmark)
     Early bird: SEK 1500 (register and pay SEK 400 before 4th of Mars)
Material: SEK 950

Note 1: If you earn less than 25,000 SEK/month before tax, you can deduct 200 SEK from the category you pay.
Note 2:  If you have a good income and want to help participants with lower incomes to be able to attend this or other programs, we recommend a "pay it forward price", then add 500 SEK (or more if you want and can) to the category you pay.
Note 3: Money should not be an obstacle for anyone to participate in our activities. Contact us at [email protected] if you want to participate in any program but are in need of financial support and we will find a solution.

PLEASE NOTE! The registration fee of 400 SEK must be swished to 1236349716 for your registration to be valid. If you do not have swish, you can make a transfer to Nordea. Clearing number: 9960  Account number: 2613429709
      Always write who you are and what it concerns!